Date & Venue Committee Members
Important Date Q&A  /  How-to Registration Submission


Abstract submission:
Prior to the paper submission, 300 words abstract must be submitted through the web site by the “Abstract submission deadline” specified in the “Important Dates” of ICRQE2021.

Paper submission:
Papers must be formatted according to the templates given below and submitted electronically through the web site by the “Paper submission deadline” specified in the “Important Dates”. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Please upload the Paper (PDF) by Jul. 31, 2021 from the “Registration / Confirmation / Correction for Presentation Information” website.

Language & Requirements for electronic files:
English is the working language of ICRQE. Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF file.

Formatting rules & Templates for papers:
Article formatting rules and templates:
The manuscript must be manufactured using the template of ICRQE. File size
is limited to 5 MB in PDF. Do NOT change headers and footers in the
[Word (docx)] ICRQE

Copyright transfer form:
Please upload the completed form (PDF) by Jul. 31, 2021 from the “Registration / Confirmation / Correction for Presentation Information” website.
[Word (docx)] ICRQE2021 copyright

Presentation video and text submission:
Please create and submit a presentation video.
The standard duration of the video is 30 minutes.
However, a maximum of 45 minutes and a minimum of 15 minutes are allowed.
And please prepare and submit your presentation lines as an English text file(Word).
Please upload the video (MP4) & Text (doc) by Aug.. 23, 2021 from the “Registration / Confirmation / Correction for Presentation Information” website.

Opportunity to submit papers to the Journal of RQES :
To submit your paper to the journal, you must be a member of the Robust Quality Engineering Society. The fee to join RQES would be 2000yen for initiation, 12000yen for the annual membership fee. There is good news for you. If you are interested in submitting your paper to the RQES journal, we decided 20000yen you paid to participate in ICRQE2021 will cover the initiation fee and annual fee for one year. The same will apply to students. So there is no additional cost to you to have a right to submit your paper. But to have this privilege, you must contact us and let us know or send an e-mail to by August 31, 2021.


Copyright Robust Quality Engineering Society. All Rights Reserved.