The International Conference on Robust Quality Engineering (ICRQE)'s mission is to connect industry professionals in sharing their experiences in applying Dr. Genichi Taguchi’s Robust Quality Engineering concepts and related topics through case studies, panel discussion and special presentations.

It is the only conference on this topic in English in Asia. The ICRQE has been held four times, two times each in Malaysia and India, since 2013.

In Japan, there has been numerous innovative developments in Robust Quality Engineering/Taguchi Method in the last 16 years. Unfortunately, many of these new development have not been shared outside of Japan. The conference will be held with the cooperation of Robust Quality Engineering Society of Japan.

Oct.15,2019 Shin Taguchi


◇ Robust optimization of product/process design
◇ Design for Six Sigma
◇ Multi-variate Pattern Recognition/ Diagnostic System Optimization
◇ Quality Tools and Quality Management
◇ Quality Loss Function and Tolerance Design

All levels of engineers, engineering management and professionals in technology/product/process development, manufacturing quality and R&D personnel. 

Please join us at the ICRQE, and also join us in sharing and networking this great event.